Habar n-am ce ar putea reprezenta asta sau de ce as fi scris-o :)) In orice caz, e ceva ptr scoala. Cred:-?
Dear Ramona,
I am trapped on a freaking island! I was on a boat with my boyfriend, having a romantic trip, when a hurricane came out of nowhere and destroyed our boat. I saw Pierre being eaten by a shark…pfuuu nasty
Anyway, enough about him. It’s ‘me’ time. I found this sheet of paper and the pen in my purse, floating nearby. I have nothing to eat but bananas. I feel sick and the gum I’ve been chewing for the past 30 minutes is not helping very much.
Save me!! I don’t even know how to start a fire and there’s no indoor plumbing. I don’t want to shushu in the woods.
I’m dying slowly and in pain. There’s a monkey which has been starring at me ever since I started eating bananas. She looks furious.
Help! Please? I’m too gorgeous to die!!!
Your friend (in pain),
Dear Ramona,
I am trapped on a freaking island! I was on a boat with my boyfriend, having a romantic trip, when a hurricane came out of nowhere and destroyed our boat. I saw Pierre being eaten by a shark…pfuuu nasty
Anyway, enough about him. It’s ‘me’ time. I found this sheet of paper and the pen in my purse, floating nearby. I have nothing to eat but bananas. I feel sick and the gum I’ve been chewing for the past 30 minutes is not helping very much.
Save me!! I don’t even know how to start a fire and there’s no indoor plumbing. I don’t want to shushu in the woods.
I’m dying slowly and in pain. There’s a monkey which has been starring at me ever since I started eating bananas. She looks furious.
Help! Please? I’m too gorgeous to die!!!
Your friend (in pain),
Una din primele mele poezii:x:x
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